Tuesday, May 5, 2009

GrEEn Aircraft

As the world moving towards green revolution, when everybody nowadays talk about global warming, kyoto aggreement, carbon foot print, biofuels, etc, there are growing demands for greener aircraft. An aircraft which burn less fuel, emit less CO2 and NOX gas. Therefore, for this month I will post a lot of story, articles and pictures related to green aircraft.

For start, I will write about new aircraft propose by easy jet, known as ecoJET. Nothing radical about this aircraft, except for rotary balade that rotate outside the engine shell (like propeller engine) at the tail wing and forward swept wing.

From these pictures clearly show the forward swept wing and rotary blade place above horizontal tail, attach to the vertical tail with pusher configuration.

EasyJet's plans would put the airline five years ahead of CO2 cuts targeted by aviation body ACARE of 50 percent by 2020, although it plans to more than double its fleet size by then.Easyjet said 25 percent of CO2 emissions would be cut by using open rotor engines, which must be placed above the tail due to their size, while 15 percent would be cut by using the lighter airframe and 10 percent by air traffic control improvements.

"This is not Star Trek technology," as quote from easyJet Chief Executive Andy Harrison."This is technology that is well within our reach. We are talking to Boeing and Airbus. We are working with manufacturers to get this aircraft delivered in 2015.""We are currently spending 4 billion pounds ($7.88 billion) on aircraft -- they are listening to us," he added.

I love the last word, "they are listening to us", WOW!!!! for decades all airlines only take what ever aircraft produced by manufacturer, but today the manufacturer have to listen to the airliner. Maybe few years in the future, we as consumer can told manufacturer and airliner what we really want. anyway bravo Harry, looking forward to fly with that aircraft.

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